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Fixed Objectives
Bullet Comparison
Forensic MicroscopeCU T L

Leitz Fixed Objectives Digital Bullet Comparison Forensic Microscope – Philippines


  • Hard to find Leitz bullet and cartridge comparison microscope.
  • Objectives are mounted on a turret and rotated into place.
  • Each side has a total of four different objectives.
  • German Made for Superb Quality.
  • This is a used forensic microscope that has been refurbished.
  • Even years old, this forensic equipment will outperform any Chinese made model.
SKU: Leitz Category:

Product Description


  •  Marked “Leitz Wetzler Germany”
  • Makro 1.7 / 1:8. Adjustable 8-32.
  • Photar 1:4 / 50. Adjustable 4-22. Part#549027.
  • Photar 1:2 / 25. Adjustable 2-11. Part#549026.
  • Makro 0.8 / 1:16. Adjustable 16-44. Part#549031.


Leitz PeriPlan 10x. High eyepoint for ability to use eyeglasses. Marked “Leitz Wetzler Germany”


Trinocular head for attaching photographic equipment. Includes Optem B-Clamp, part# 25-70-89. This is on the top of the trinocular port. It provides a standard c-mount with lens system for attaching various camera equipment.


This comparison microscope has a stage on both sides. On top of the stage is the specimen (bullet and cartridge) holder. The bullets and cartridges are mounted here for examination and comparison. The X -Y stage movement knobs are used for moving the bullet (or cartridge) to get it in the proper field of view.


This is a reconditioned used microscope. It is several years old. However, it is in excellent working condition.

We do not have the actual user manual for this equipment. However, Leica has a new model that has some similar features. Reviewing this manual will benefit in the understanding of the Leitz model. Click this link: Leica FS M Comparison Microscope Operating Manual



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